Listening to: Meiko - How Lucky are We?

This might be incredibly lame. But I have yet to get a mp3 player of any sort. And finally going to get one. So I was looking at the ipods on and I came across the new iTouch. It's just like the I Phone but with out the phone. You can listen to music, take pictures, watch moving and videos just like the regular ipod but you can also go on the internet with Wi-Fi. So I thought it would be amazing if I was shopping or saw someone on the street whose style I admired, I could take a picture and post it on my blog right away. How amazing would that be? Of course it would be expensive it's $300, plus the 20 or 30 dollars a month to pay for Wi-Fi. But I think it's worth it. What do you think?
i think the itouch it tight.
a little expensive for my taste but i would love to be able to post pics of things i see in stores or people wearing tight ass clothes on my blog.
go for it!
very expensive, plus the 20 or 30 per month a year, it sounds really cool, but i'd be satisfied with a ipod nano or video. still it looks really cool.
I'm pretty sure the iPod Touch isn't able to take pictures.
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