Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Sorry for the lack of posts. I have been very busy. I moved back to Missouri to live with my dad, I didn't have a computer, and school started which has kept me plenty occupied. Well I found a blog a couple months ago that I thought I would share with you guys. They are very inspirational, I love their clothes and their style they to me pretty much define chic. Disappointing thing about it though is that everything is in a different language and I can't read it. But I still go back to see all the pictures they post of them selves in their fabulous outfits. I love the outfit the girl is wearing to the left. The floral top, the high waisted skinny jeans, the silver jacket, the white shoes they always wear, the vintage necklace, I love it all I can't get enough. Oh and I am looking for the perfect navy blazer, that is cheap but still looks nice. So if you have any sugestions then please do tell. And also I would love to hear any questions any of you might have. So ask up C:


Lauren said...

i love their blog too! i cant understand the language either - but i love to jut go and look @ the pics an perhaps figure out what they're saying :P

Kat said...

Totally love that outfit. It's gorgeous. Must check out that blog!

The Beauty Mum said...

That blog looks great! I've read Please Kill Me. Are you loving it?


WendyB said...

Love that little updo, too!